Scholarship Fair: Preparing your future 2024

On Wednesday, October 30, 2024, the Directorate of International Relations and Cooperation developed the international scholarship fair, called “Scholarship Fair: Preparing your future 2024”. The objective of this activity was to socialize the different calls for current scholarships, from embassies, cooperation agencies and private programs, participants, to open spaces for higher education opportunities for our students, both undergraduate and graduate, abroad. The fair was inaugurated by Dr. Nadia Menjívar, Director of Institutional Strategic Management, Ms. Karla de Palma, Director of the El Salvador Agency for International Cooperation (ESCO) and Mr. Ernesto Rodríguez, Project Coordinator. Among the delegations participating in the international scholarship fair were: El Salvador Agency for International Cooperation (ESCO), Embassy of Japan, British Embassy, Embassy of Panama, Embassy of Mexico, Embassy of Mexico, Embassy of China, Embassy of Brazil, Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID) in El Salvador, Education USA Program, Confucius Institute, Ibero-American University Foundation (FUNIBER) and Opportunities Program. The event was attended by about 160 students, who had the opportunity to visit the different stands, receive information about the scholarship calls, application requirements, receive promotional materials, etc. In this way, the Evangelical University of El Salvador, ratifies its commitment to work towards the fulfillment of its institutional mission “To train professionals with academic excellence, aware of the service to their fellows…”, able to adapt and excel in any environment and without fear of overcoming new professional challenges, through strategic allies, both national and international.