The Vice-Rector for Research and Social Projection, through the Scholarships and Appeals Unit, provides the service of receiving fee appeal requests. This service is provided when extraordinary circumstances arise that alter the financial situation of the student or his or her family.
Criteria for Appeal
Documents to be delivered
Dates for the appeals process
Frequent questions
Have one year as an active student.
You may not be subject to an appeal process more than once in a year.
Medical students who enter internships do not apply.
It will not apply to students who are in the graduation process.
It does not apply to technical careers, master's degrees or specialization.
For all appeal cases, the approved fee comes into effect from the next cycle in which the appeal was requested and the increase in institutional fee will be applied as appropriate subsequently.
The dates for receiving appeal cases must be respected according to the regulations; cases will not be received after the dates stipulated for approval.
For the socioeconomic study, the following documents will be delivered, in original:
Proof of wages of the father, mother or applicant sealed and signed in original.
When income comes from activities other than employment, it must always be done in writing.
If it is a Formal Business, present the Income Statement from the previous year
Informal business must attach a notarized sworn statement indicating the income.
In cases where family income comes from remittances, present the last three respective receipts in original.
If the income is a pension, present proof of AFP, INPEP and ISSS in original and/or copies.
Payment receipts for water, electricity, telephone, cable, internet, credit card vouchers and proof of payment of bank loans.
Pay stubs or payment certificates of the applicant and the members of the family nucleus, who study in schools, institutes or universities. A copy of one month reflecting the fee being paid will suffice.
Lease contract if rented.
Other documents that contribute to having a clear picture of the applicant's economic situation, such as registration cards for vehicles belonging to the family group.
Expenses that are not verifiable will be omitted from the socioeconomic study.
In the event of the death of one of the parents, you must present the death certificate and verify who will assume the expenses of your studies.
1. FOR CYCLE I. Appeal requests may be submitted between October 1 and November 15 of the current year. If the discount on your fee becomes effective, it will come into effect in CYCLE I.
2. FOR CYCLE II. Appeal requests may be submitted from April 15 to May 27 of the current year. If the discount on your fee becomes effective, it will come into effect in CYCLE II
What are those circumstances that can alter the financial situation and that are considered in an appeal process?
Reason for Appeal for the reduction in household income: it may be loss of a job, decrease in income in the family's own business, change of person responsible for paying the student's fee and that has an impact on the income reported at the time of admission. , due to change in the type of pension income.
If it is the student who will assume responsibility for payment and the income is less than the value reported at the time of admission.
Increase in obligations at home that can be admitted according to the following criteria: Health expenses due to permanently verifiable illnesses.
Expenses for studies of family members that were not contemplated at the time of admission.
Increase in the number of verifiable household members.
When the father, mother or person on whom the student is financially dependent dies and does not have coverage in social security, insurance or similar financial benefits. This benefit will not be applicable if the student receives, as an inheritance, sufficient assets to cover his or her expenses.
Applies to students who have a fee equal to or greater than the maximum approved, of which the fees are differentiated fees approved in the degree.
How should you present your appeal?
You must submit a written request for a review of your fee, supporting the circumstance that modified your financial situation. To the request you will attach an official document that substantiates the stated circumstance.
You must fill out the Socioeconomic Form again with the statements that support the information presented there.
Haz clic en el siguiente botón para descargar el formulario de estudio socioeconómico: