About the Journal

The open access journal creates science from the Evangelical University of El Salvador, was born in 2004, it is a space for scientific dissemination specialized in the areas of health carried out by researchers both internal and external to the university. Its periodicity is biannual, it has a national and international arbitration system and follows Vancouver citation standards. The journal is aimed at the national and international scientific academic community: professionals, teachers, researchers, students and people in society who are interested in the research carried out in Higher Education Institutions.

The following types of texts and unpublished are received: research articles, case studies, meta-analyzes, scientific essays, bibliographic reviews and book reviews.

The text goes to the Editorial Committee for the content arbitration process with experts, if it has recommendations, it is returned to the author to incorporate them, with the content observations passed, it is sent to the grammar and style reviewer. Once this phase is completed, the author is notified that his article will be published, the author confirms the document of assignment of publication rights. Throughout this review process until its publication, the author may not propose the same article to another journal.

Identifies with the ISSN

printed version ISSN -1818-202X - electronic version ISSN-E 1997-0188.