Efecto de un producto de panificación elaborado con sucralosa y su influencia sobre el índice glicémico en pacientes diabéticos tipo 2


  • Reina Cristina Martínez Aguilar Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • Nancy Raquel Castillo de del Valle Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador
  • Ligia María Guzmán de Ascencio Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador



Palabras clave:

Diabetes mellitus, Sucralosa, Sacarosa


Type 2 diabetes mellitus represents a global problem, whose prevalence is growing more and more in people over 40 years of age, in which it represents 90 to 195% of this disease, which generates considerable expenses in the health budgets of a country. The objective of the study was to formulate a bakery product made with surculose (non-caloric sweetener) and fiber (oats). to reduce blood glucose levels and measure its influence on glycemic levels of type 2 diabetics, as well as to evaluate its acceptability. Pre- and post-prandial blood tests were evaluated in 30 diabetic patients, before and after consuming the bakery product, assessing its effect on the glycemic index. Patients were randomly selected into two groups, experimental and control. Supplied a formula with furculous and one with sucrose. Acceptability was determined by evaluating organoleptic characteristics such as taste, color, texture and presentation. The results showed that blood glucose levels decreased in the postprandial test after consuming the product, but statistically they were not significant according to the student's t test. Herself Considered to be a product suitable for diabetic food for its nutritional contribution without cane sugar and with oats as a source of fiber, it can be included in the food substitution lists for diabetics.






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